By-Aniket Goswami As current situation everybody is busy about their work which is very important but in that case nobody is giving time to their fitness.As the results anxiety,depression,mental stress,body pain etc. things happens with everyone.So their are few tips to improve fitness and live happier..😄 1. Wake up early in the morning. As you know if you wake up early you will get so much time and you feel so fresh that time.Be the early bird not night owl. 2. Do workout/yoga Doing yoga or workout improves your metabolism of your body also it imroves the blood flow ,it helps you to keep healthy,fit,motivated not only phyisically but also mentally. 3.Avoid junk foods. Junk foods are very harmful for your body.It increses cholestrol level of your body.It can also be treated as enemy of your fitness. 4. Sleep early at night Habbit of sleeping early at night improves you to achieve ypur goals,motivation etc.Don't do late night studi...
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